READ Act Becomes Law!

READ Act Becomes Law!

September 12, 2017By WV AdvocacyChild Education, News and Reports 1 Comment

We often hear about difficulties in Congress and how approval ratings are at a record low. We want to say thank you for realizing that in the midst of the chaos, your voice still matters. Today, largely influenced by your emails, phone calls, and tweets, the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development (READ) Act – previously named … Read More

A Life Like Mine

A Life Like Mine

August 22, 2017By Guest AuthorRefugees 3 Comments

By Andrew Olson I looked down the barrel of the long gun inches from the bus window, jolted into alertness from the hazy slumber of our bus trip to the Za’atari Refugee Camp, located just South of the Syria-Jordan border. The tank was a slightly ironic sight outside a camp filled with people who had … Read More

A child refugee finds hope after loss

A child refugee finds hope after loss

August 7, 2017By WV AdvocacyChild Education, Refugees 1 Comment

Globally, there are more than 25 million refugees in the world, about half of  whom are children. What does this mean for these children, their childhoods, and their futures? Learn about the hope, protection, and opportunity that education can bring a child refugee and how one bill currently in Congress can help — especially for … Read More

House Passes Anti-Trafficking Bill!

House Passes Anti-Trafficking Bill!

July 13, 2017By Christina BradicChild Protection, News and Reports, Take Action 1 Comment

Yesterday afternoon, the House passed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2017 (TVPRA) without objection! Since the bill was introduced in April, advocates have continually reached out to their Representatives communicating the importance of this bill, especially for the more than 20 million people in the world who are trafficked and … Read More

The Cost of Cuts

The Cost of Cuts

July 7, 2017By WV AdvocacyForeign Assistance 2 Comments

In May, the President released a proposed budget for FY2018 that included cutting foreign assistance accounts by one-third. These cuts would not only break the United States’ long-standing bipartisan commitment to help the world’s most vulnerable people, they would also put the health, security, and prosperity of Americans at risk. The deep and disproportionate cuts … Read More

15 Reasons Foreign Assistance is Powerful

15 Reasons Foreign Assistance is Powerful

June 13, 2017By WV AdvocacyForeign Assistance 1 Comment

If you’ve been with us for a while, you are probably aware that we believe in the power of programs funded by U.S. foreign assistance. Whether we are talking about the benefits of these programs, explaining how they work, or sharing experiences from the field, the effectiveness of these programs is evident. Thanks to funding … Read More

Murky Web of Trafficking

Murky Web of Trafficking

June 12, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Protection No Comments

This is part four of a four-part series taking a deeper dive into child protection efforts in India. A group of concerned volunteers known as the child protection unit works together to protect children from child labor, child marriage, and child trafficking through education. By Annila Harris Completing their check-up of Reshma, child protection unit members … Read More