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Safety, health, and opportunity for every child

Poverty-focused foreign assistance

While most Americans estimate that foreign assistance comprises 26% of the U.S. budget, it actually accounts for less than 1% of federal spending — but positively impacts millions who live in extreme poverty globally. Each dollar translates into lives saved for those who live in poverty.

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Currently, one in every 113 people in the world is a refugee, and the conflict in Syria has contributed to the largest refugee crisis since WWII. We’re educating members of Congress about the refugees’ realities in the region and working to maximize humanitarian aid to those in desperate need.

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Child protection

Over 1 billion children experienced violence in the last year. Violence against children includes physical, emotional, and sexual violence. It can come in many forms, including trafficking, child labor, and early marriage. Now is the time for a solution: The U.S. has a crucial role in leading the effort to end violence against children.

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Healthy moms and babies

Every day, nearly 15,000 children under the age of 5 die from preventable causes. Pregnancy and childbirth claim the lives of nearly 300,000 mothers a year. We advocate for U.S. legislation that will help improve the health of mothers and young children where access to life-saving care is limited.

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Food security and livelihoods

Nearly 800 million people in the world will go to bed tonight without enough food or nourishment. Without this, children cannot grow, learn, or fend off sickness and disease. With the right tools, families and communities can fight hunger. We urge solutions that help families help themselves, and build resilience against future obstacles.

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