World Vision Advocacy celebrates the passing of a resolution that condemns using hunger and disrupting food supplies as weapons of war.
World Vision Advocacy News
Resolution condemning hunger as a weapon has passed
World Vision Advocacy celebrates the passing of a resolution that condemns using hunger and disrupting food supplies as weapons of war.
Life-saving nutrition bill passes Congress
Championed by World Vision’s Advocacy team for more than a year, a life-saving bill is one step closer to providing critical nutrition support for vulnerable communities around the world!
Advocacy Summit 2021: Innovation & trusting God to amplify our voices
World Vision volunteers typically gather for an advocacy summit event in D.C. every year. But for 2021, we had to rethink our plans.
Fall advocate update: progress through perseverance
It’s been a tough year, but by the grace of God we saw progress last quarter! Here’s what World Vision Advocates were speaking out about.
June update: Summer of hope (advocacy style!)
There’s been no shortage of gray days recently, but we know God is faithful. We’ll continue to seek justice — and celebrate when we see progress!
May advocate update: When the going gets tough …
May was a heartbreaking month. Even when our hearts our exhausted, we cling to God’s call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before him.
April advocacy update: Lifted prayers and lifted voices
In April, our advocacy had two themes: lifting up the voices of the vulnerable and lifting up our own voices in prayer!
March Advocacy Update: Marching on for kids
March was tough. While COVID-19 meant that our advocacy looked different, we didn’t stop speaking up for justice, especially for the most vulnerable.
February advocacy update: Fixing our eyes on Jesus
February saw highs and lows for World Vision Advocacy. We made great progress on some bills, spoke to Congress, and were reminded to put our hope in Jesus!