Fleeing war, Sasha and her family find food, shelter, and mental health support through World Vision programs.
Refugee Hope: A Son’s Perspective
The son of a Vietnam refugee shares his story – and advocates for foreign assistance to address crisis around the world!
Child marriage in Syria: How conflict is stealing girls’ futures
As war continues, child marriage in Syria is increasing. Some estimates show rates in 2017 were four times higher than they were before the crisis.
Why does violence against women and girls increase during disasters?
Women and girls face greater risk of violence during emergencies as harmful social norms intensify and women are further marginalized.
Education: a lifesaving intervention for children on the move
Approximately 4 million refugee children between the ages of 5 and 17 aren’t enrolled in school. This has enormous impact on children’s growth, development, mental health, and lifelong cognitive function.
How to pray for refugees around the world
Join us in prayer for seven countries with the top refugee and migrant crises in the world. World Vision is working in these countries, and so is our God.
Protecting children in Rohingya refugee camps
Five-year-old Jannatul lives with her mother in the world’s largest refugee camp. She lost the rest of her family to violence in Myanmar. World Vision is helping the two of them feel safe again.
Act today to protect funding for children and families in Central America
Foreign assistance shouldn’t be used to penalize migrants’ home countries. Our focus should stay on sustainable progress so families can safely remain home.
Promoting stability and peace in some of the world’s most vulnerable places
This Act aims to strengthen the capacity of the United States to address root causes of fragility and violence globally. But how would it do that?
Safe spaces for migrant children near the border
All migrants’ journeys are difficult, but children are especially vulnerable. That’s why World Vision Mexico is helping about 500 children near the border.