Meaningful, active, and inclusive youth participation, engagement, and partnership must be a core pillar of education policy. Learn more!
Child Education
16-Year-Old World Vision Advocate asks Congress to take action
A student reflects on her experiences as a young girl and how her eyes were opened to inequalities around the world! Hear her story and how you can speak up for girls’ education.
The Divided Digital Generation: How the Pandemic Will Widen the Gender Gap in Education
On International Day of the Girl, we urge you to show your support for improving girls’ access to quality education by asking your Member to cosponsor the Keeping Girls in School Act.
How the U.S. and Honduras are Teaming Up to Stop Child Labor
Working to stop and prevent child labor is a key piece of World Vision’s goal to foster hope and build resilience in Central America, so that families have hope for the future and don’t feel pressed into negative coping mechanisms like sending children to work.
Women and girls on the global stage: What do CSW65 and Generation Equality mean?
Written by Marta Galambos – a World Vision Strong Women Strong World NextGen leader and a graduate of civil engineering from California Polytechnic State University currently working in Colorado, USA. How can women and girls, in every society, participate effectively as full and equal members of their communities? I first became interested in this question as an undergraduate … Read More
Why more school = less child marriage
Education is key to reducing child marriage: A girl’s risk of early marriage is reduced for every year she stays in school. Here’s why.
There is no word “defeat” in Naima’s dictionary
Naima overcame incredible challenges to become an educated woman, including abuse and child marriage. She worked to support her education and never gave up.
What are children saying about COVID-19?
Children are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 because of school closures and loss of social safety nets. But they’re speaking out and taking action!
What my daughter taught me about early childhood development
Nate Lance is a World Vision policy advisor — and dad to a toddler! Here’s what she’s taught him about the importance of childhood development interventions.
Education: a lifesaving intervention for children on the move
Approximately 4 million refugee children between the ages of 5 and 17 aren’t enrolled in school. This has enormous impact on children’s growth, development, mental health, and lifelong cognitive function.