Pray for Refugees

March 15, 2018By Zoey WilsonBible Verses, Refugees 1 Comment

*Update: As of July 2019, the conflict in Syria has lasted over eight years. Around the world, there are over 70 million people displaced due to violence in conflict—the highest number on record. Today marks the seventh anniversary of the conflict in Syria. As you pray for refugees today, pray specifically for the people of … Read More

Pray for Education

February 8, 2018By Zoey WilsonBible Verses, Child Education No Comments

Around the world, there are various barriers to education. There may be a lack of teachers or tools. Perhaps families feel their children would have greater value elsewhere. Some students may live amidst conflict and the act of attending school itself is unsafe. In many situations, policies that support child education are not well enforced. But, … Read More

Trading Child Marriage for College Textbooks

November 28, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Marriage, Gender 38 Comments

Harassment is one of many challenges girls and women face in Delhi, a sprawling city of 25 million people where there are problems of safety, vulnerability to violence and exploitation, pollution, and unsanitary or overcrowded living conditions. But empowered by sponsorship, girls in one neighborhood are overcoming poverty and trading child marriage for college textbooks. … Read More

A child refugee finds hope after loss

August 7, 2017By WV AdvocacyChild Education, Refugees 1 Comment

Globally, there are more than 25 million refugees in the world, about half of  whom are children. What does this mean for these children, their childhoods, and their futures? Learn about the hope, protection, and opportunity that education can bring a child refugee and how one bill currently in Congress can help — especially for … Read More

15 Reasons Foreign Assistance is Powerful

June 13, 2017By WV AdvocacyForeign Assistance 1 Comment

If you’ve been with us for a while, you are probably aware that we believe in the power of programs funded by U.S. foreign assistance. Whether we are talking about the benefits of these programs, explaining how they work, or sharing experiences from the field, the effectiveness of these programs is evident. Thanks to funding … Read More

Praying to End Violence Against Children

December 17, 2016By Jessica BousquetteBible Verses No Comments

Above we see students who have the opportunity to brainstorm ways to end violence against children in their communities. Not all children have this opportunity – in fact over 1 billion children, half the world’s children, are trapped in a cycle experiencing violence themselves. Violence is not just physical – it takes a toll on … Read More

Praying for our Leaders

December 14, 2016By Steve ReynoldsBible Verses 4 Comments

Did you know that nearly 90 percent of the U.S. Congress are Christians?  To me, that is an astonishing statistic!  As a person of faith, when I heard this, my mind immediately began to ask the obvious questions; “How can a group of Christians be so divided?” and, “Why don’t they just pray together and … Read More