Naima overcame incredible challenges to become an educated woman, including abuse and child marriage. She worked to support her education and never gave up.
keeping girls in school act
2019 World Vision Advocacy Accomplishments
Does advocacy work? Looking back at 2019, we can see how much God used our advocacy to create change for kids around the world!
October Update: Advocates meet with Congress, world changes
Lots of World Vision Advocacy news this month! The Ending Violence Against Children Resolution passed the House, and we had our first-ever advocacy camp!
September update: Staying strong for girls
World Vision’s advocacy in September was all about keeping up support for the Keeping Girls in School Act, foreign assistance, and ending violence.
What is the Keeping Girls in School Act?
Helping girls stay in school results in stronger families and safer nations. But girls face unique barriers to education. Here’s how this bill would help.
Child marriage must end! 3 girls speak out
“I am here to show my determination to work together in ending child marriage and all forms of violence against girls.”
4 ways to combine prayer and action right now
God calls us to change the world through prayer and action! Let us not grow weary in doing good. Here are 4 ways you can pray and act with us right now!
July update: Ending violence and keeping girls in school
In July, the World Vision volunteer advocacy team gathered support for the Ending Violence Against Children Resolution and Keeping Girls in School Act.