Women and girls on the global stage: What do CSW65 and Generation Equality mean?

March 8, 2021By WV AdvocacyChild Education, Foreign Assistance, Gender, Global Health, Learn About Advocacy, Maternal and Child health No Comments

Written by Marta Galambos – a World Vision Strong Women Strong World NextGen leader and a graduate of civil engineering from California Polytechnic State University currently working in Colorado, USA. How can women and girls, in every society, participate effectively as full and equal members of their communities? I first became interested in this question as an undergraduate … Read More

Trading Child Marriage for College Textbooks

November 28, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Marriage, Gender 38 Comments

Harassment is one of many challenges girls and women face in Delhi, a sprawling city of 25 million people where there are problems of safety, vulnerability to violence and exploitation, pollution, and unsanitary or overcrowded living conditions. But empowered by sponsorship, girls in one neighborhood are overcoming poverty and trading child marriage for college textbooks. … Read More